金剛能楽堂 公演のご案内
公演のご案内 2013年5月・6月
第五回 金剛定期能
番組 演者
解説 種田道一

ワキ/村山 弘
間 /善竹隆平
笛 /森田保美
小鼓/林 吉兵衛
大鼓/辻 芳昭

狂言 伯母ヶ酒 シテ/善竹忠一郎
仕舞 自然居士 クセ 種田道一
高野物狂 道行 豊嶋三千春
舎 利 中入 今井克紀
夜討曽我 シテ/金剛龍謹
間 /善竹隆司、善竹隆平
笛 /杉 市和
大鼓/河村 大
NOH: FUJI 'The Wisteria' Priests visiting Tago Bay in the spring time admire the beautiful wisteria in garlands on a pine tree there. They are recalling poems composed there long ago when a Woman approaches. After exchanges regarding the famous scene and the blossoms, the Woman reveals that she is, in fact, the Spirit of Wisteria Blossoms and promises to appear again later in their dreams. After the Priests have recited their sutras for the night the Spirit of the Wisteria Blossoms appears and dances, describing the beauty of nature through the seasons and rejoicing in how Buddhism promises enlightenment to all things.
KYOGEN: OBA GA SAKE A Nephew visits his Aunt who is a sake shop owner. She is very stingy and has never offered him any of her sake so he comes up with a clever plan to trick her out of some. He tells her that she must be very careful because there are horrible demons roaming the neighborhood. She is terrified and promptly locks up her shop securely. The Nephew then comes with a demon mask, disguises his voice, threatens his Aunt, and then helps himself to her sake. Of course he drinks too much and his Aunt discovers who the demon actually is...
NOH: YOUCHI SOGA Based on an event that took place in 1193, the 'Soga Brothers' Attack by Night' chronicles how the brothers take revenge on the man who killed their father, now an adviser to Japan's first shogun, Yoritomo. Seventeen years have passed since his death and the brothers take advantage of a hunting party held near Mt. Fuji to assassinate their father's killer. One brother was killed in the attack and the other was executed after the revenge had taken place. The bond between the brothers and the loyalty of their faithful retainers made their saga a popular one represented in all art forms, including Noh.
■主催 金剛能楽会

開場 午後1時
開演 午後1時30分
終演予定 午後5時30分過ぎ頃

■会場 金剛能楽堂  》 地図
■チケット 前売券 5,500円
当日券 6,000円
学生券 3,000円
■取扱い 【金剛能楽堂】
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